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Day 3 of the 30 day challenge

Seeds of potential

Day 3 of Mind body Spirit Challenge..

Goals.. keep drinking more water.. 10 minutes extra of heart pumping exercise. Read another chapter of my self-development book. And morning affirmations!

How was day 2 for you?

Today’s inspiration

I was made aware yesterday about the order of life. Everything has a time and place. In nature the seed is blown by the wind, it falls on, (hopefully), fertile soil, and then inside the seed, things start to change, the structure alters and when the winter is over the seed sends a shoot outwards and upwards heading for the light and warmth of the sun, the sunlight feeds it, changing chemicals in the plant to give it colour and nourishment. Whether it’s a flower, weed or vegetable, there comes next, the Bee or insect to pollenate it, giving the plant the necessary requirements to generate more seeds to ensure the future of its species.

Everything has a time and a place. There is order in our lives too, we may not be aware of it other than our day to day routines. But in the background there is an order to being human. Do you experience Coincidences? Is that the universe orchestrating something bigger? Do you find that when you push for something, things get in the way? Obstacles come up, we miss connections? That’s because we are out of sync with the universe and our greater plan. I say our greater plan because We are lucky enough to be the creator of this plan. We create our lives 24 / 7 Yep, every thought is a seed of potentiality. Every experience is a reminder of what we have sown into the fabric of the universe. If we don’t like the experience we learn to do it again a different way. How great is that? That we are the creator of our own experiences!!! So this brings me to today’s card from the Magical mermaids and Dolphins oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

Morning Affirmations… ‘Say positive affirmations each morning to open up the gates of manifestation’

An affirmation is a statement said in a positive way in the present tense.

For example: Today I am enjoying the effect on my body as I do my extra 10 minutes of exercise.

I love creating the perfect body for me, so I can be more of service to the universe.

With Every glass of water I drink I feel more alive.

Today I am in the perfect place to recieve....... (fill in the blank)

What are your positive affirmations for today. What seeds of potentiality are you sowing? What are your dreams? What goals are you setting yourself?

All great things start with a thought, an idea, we send that thought into the universe by speaking it, or writing it down, or taking some action, then we take slow positive steps towards the goal. A bit like my 30 day challenge, a little every day soon mounts up to a visible change in life.

Have a positive day

OOOHHH.... Just had another thought... Water is a conductor of energy, we already established that this week, words are energy too, why not write your positive affirmation on a piece of paper and stick it to your water bottle.. add extra oomph to your creativity... everytime you have a drink, you are ingesting and digesting the message...

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