Finding Inner Peace

In this world of business and deadlines. Hurry and haste, it is sometimes difficult to find that inner peace. I myself this last week have had a 'melt down' due to the surmounting events that have happened recently.
But I have a secret weapon in my healing tool kit. It is called EFT. (Emotional Freedom Technique) some of you may of already heard of this magical tool, some of you may already use it, so you will know how magical this simple technique is.
I discovered this tool for myself around 18 years ago, a self -help healing tool developed by an engineer called Gary Craig.
I learnt all the techniques, watched all the training dvds, read all the manuals, used the technique on myself at every opportunity, to heal myself of past trauma, grief, fear, I did what Gary Craig advised, “try it on everything!” I used it to help me be where I am in life today, self-employed, and mostly enjoying life. There are times though when everyone has a blip, and this past week was mine. But it lasted no more than a day as I tapped away all those emotions, fears, anxieties, phobias and doubts away.
In the past EFT has helped me with grief and anger. It has helped me release situations that had outworn their time in my life. It has helped my lose my sugar craving and has helped me with the fear of public speaking.
I use EFT in my Reiki healing sessions, relieving anxiety, fear and grief, sometimes we know the origin of the emotions sometimes we don't but we can still release them, helping my clients to find that inner peace.
I have three 2 hour workshops coming up in July where you too can learn the tapping sequence and discover first hand how it can help you.
In the workshops I will teach you how to use this simple non-invasive therapy to help you in your own lives. On learning this healing modality you will have a tool for life to help you when you are feeling scared, fearful, anxious, depressed, and emotional, to bring you back to a place of self-acceptance, inner peace, giving you back control in your life. You could even do this with your friends to help each other out.
The training you receive in the workshop, will cover learning the points to tap, how to phrase your sentence to tap with, how to tap with affirmations. As well as learning a simple technique to determine if the phrase or emotion you are tapping with is correct.
You will also receive a manual to refer back to after the workshop with all the information in from the workshop.
So do you want inner peace? Are you ready for change?
Check out the dates on my website for this months workshops each workshop has a maximum of 6 people to ensure individual attention.
Or drop me an email or find me on Facebook Namaste Well-BE-ing Centre