Namaste Newsletter
Hello all, How are your summer holidays?
and how are you coping with the energy this August!
it certainly has me looking after myself more, throwing me into a spin as we come closer to the solar eclipse and a chance to 'restart' our lives, so if there are any changes you need to make right now, anything you need to release then don't delay, I think I will be doing a couple more fire releasing ceremonies over the weekend to prepare myself for the new moon on monday and the solar eclipse on monday too...
so here we have the events for Namaste over the next few weeks.
text 07808194404 or email for booking anything and payment details
Enjoy the rest of the holidays
Much love xx
Wednesday 16th 7pm – 9pm Dowsing For past lives £10
Working with a pendulum to find out about a past life that is having a negative effect on your life now and heal that life.
Monday 21st 7pm New moon wishes workshop £7 includes refreshments Every month we celebrate the arrival of the new month, we make a wish for our own life experience and create a talisman. all equipment is provided and refreshments too..
Tuesday 22nd st Chakras for beginners. An introduction to the chakra energy system 7pm – 9pm £10 Have you heard about the word 'Chakras' They are more than energy centres in the body, come and find out about them, learn to rebalance your own energy and work with the higher chakras.
Wednesday 23rd 11am – 3pm Make a prayer flag, Bring your fabric scraps, buttons, beads and have a creative day with Marina, donation only for refreshments which will go to Children’s Hospice South West
Wednesday 30th clairvoyant evening with Nicky Gard 7.30pm £5 ticket only event
Thursday 31st Sound meditation, with Gong, singing bowl, chimes and voice £5 A wonderful relaxing journey through the sounds.
Sunday 3rd Reiki Share open to all levels £6 10am-12pm
open to all levels of Reiki practioners.
Wednesday 6th 13th 27th Development group 7.30pm £6 per wk or £30 in advance for 6 weeks learn to tap into your own intuition for self guidance in this busy world.
Thursday 7th Full Moon Fire releasing ceremony. Free bring food to share. Venue on application
Friday 8th Open Day 11am – 3pm mini readings and healing sessions £10
Monday’s 11th 18th 25th meditation for healing 7.30pm £6 per wk or £30 in advance for 6 weeks The Monday meditations are just that, a meditation to relax, heal, soothe the mind, body and spirit
Saturday 16th Reiki level 1 £85 10am-4pm start your healing journey with Reiki level 1 . Marina has been teaching Reiki for 17 years, has had her own practise and a wealth of knowledge.
No experience needed.
Tuesday 19th Clairvoyant evening Ricky Whitemore £5 7.30pm ticket only
Wednesday 20th New Moon wishes workshop £7 Every month we celebrate the arrival of the new month, we make a wish for our own life experience and create a talisman. all equipment is provided and refreshments too..
Friday 22nd Introduction to Massage course. A six week course teaching you the basics to give a massage with confidence.
Booking is advisable on all the events 07808194404 or Join our facebook page and subscribe to the events to learn more of the events on offer