Emotional Freedom
We all have days where we get caught up in our emotions. The trick is to learn what triggers the emotions that are holding us back in life and release them.
I have been working on emotional issues with others for the last 18 years. I have helped many people with PTSD, Anxiety, claustrophobia and much more. I have helped to heal and clear childhood issues that have kept resurfacing and causing problems in adult life. I have used this technique on myself too and have found it very useful in my own life.
As well as using Essential oils to help with emotions, I also use a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique which is a form of acupressure.
I do all this along with my mediumistic skills, I tune into you and your energy to help unravel the emotions and release it at source.
Ideally this is a one to one face to face session, but I can also do a session via facetime or skype.
So if you have an issue holding you back in life, get in touch lets have a coffee and see if I can help you.
Now running workshops to teach you how to use this excellent tool for self healing.
go to my 'Workshop' page for more details.