Letting go!
Today's card from the Nature Spirit Oracle Cards by Denise Linn, 'Sweat lodge' has inspired me. Not only to clear a place that's been nagging at me for weeks, but inspiration to write too about my process of letting go.
As I write I can see in my minds eye, food that I bought a while ago now, it's probably out of date so will be binned as the out of date food item it is, but attached to this food item is a memory from the past. How many times have you craved a certain meal? Wanted comfort food? Eaten something and it has brought back memories of adventure or family time, memories of the past. There are many memories in my life linked to food. When I look inside myself now as an adult I see not only a child looking for comfort. But lots of happy memories around family too. This particular food item I see in my minds eye, was something I shared with an old boyfriend of approx 18 years ago, (not the stuff I have in the cupboard, it's not 18 years out of date!) The connections with the ex go back much further. But the relationship has gone, the memories remain, but the energy of that relationship and everything around it needs to be released. So when I throw the food away I will be connecting to that time in my life and emotionally and energetically releasing that time in my life. Clearing the way for a new beginning. Quite apt really as a new cycle begins now, as it did then. The planetary alignments are changing as I type. A new season is beginning in the astrological world. It's amazing when I look back at my life and can recognise the big changes I've made have coincided with the planets big shifts. Do we really have free will? Or is our life planned ahead of us? And are these 'shifts' to knock us onto the chosen path set before we even were born?
I digress ....
Do you connect emotionally with food too?
Rice Krispies reminds me of staying over at nan and grandad's in the country in the summer holidays.
Raspberries reminds me of after school visits, gooseberries too. Good times and happy times.
Crisps are of the school tuck shop.
I cooked some meat for the dog last week and the aroma took me back to my mum cooking us hotpot for dinner. (Mind you if I knew then what I was eating I may not of enjoyed it so much!)
Today that nagging space has been cleansed physically, mentally and spiritually. So tomorrow the kitchen cupboards are in for a treat as I clear and cleanse not only the cupboards, but the old energetic stuff that is laying in the depths of my psyche, ready to open up to a new and exciting way of being as a new path is opening up in my life.
Until next time
Much love 💖