New Beginnings
Wow, what a start to the Month! I started a new project and although its just the beginning and challenging for me, (Technology has been advancing far too quickly) I am really enjoying building this new venture.

If you look on my website regularly you may have noticed I have a new page 'Life with the Tarot' This is my new baby. Although initially it is a Facebook membership, I am hoping to move it across to my website in the near future which means I will be able to add so many of the new ideas I have brewing too.
I am still open to new members, so if you feel you would benefit from my knowledge, extra exercises to enhance your life, be able to ask questions and get personal answers, please head over to the page and sign up. For the price of a glossy magazine and a coffee you get a whole months worth of extras to help you live the best possible life.
It works out at only .35p a day! to have a daily card reading, meditations, extra inside information about the card and exercises to enhance your life, a bargain, even if I do say so myself. I look forward to you joining me on this new adventure.
Much love <3